
The Bad Seed

An Elia Decas Conspiracy


Loathe Trump as much as we do? Bad Seed Book caricaturizes Trump in all of his un-gloryness, highlighting his best-worst features. Now's your chance to grab 'em by the p…iece, before Trump is actually indicted and sent to prison for one of his many crimes. Collect your very own personalized Anti-Trump Digital Trading cards, straight from Bad Seed Book's original art and smirk yourself all the way to the bank $$$ The collection features 100,000 uniquely illustrated, satirical, Anti-Trump Trading Cards seen billions of times on social: Baby Trump, Clown Trump, Dictator Trump, BS Trump, Godzilla Trump and more. Learn more (and read the book) at www.badseedbook.com. Follow @badseedbook on Twitter. Before purchasing this Anti-Trump Digital Trading Card, please carefully read our Terms Of Service (https://upstream.exchange/docs/Upstream-Participation-Agreement.pdf) and the Terms & Conditions specific to these NFT (https://upstream.exchange/docs/Upstream-Participation-Agreement.pdf). This explains all your rights and any restrictions.

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Trump's Wet Kiss

Upstream: TRUMPTIN

Supply: 100

Offer Ends:

Price: $1000.00

Trump's close relationship to Putin is a little bit too close in this very provocative, Trump's Wet Kiss NFT capturing a fiery passion of shared fascism. These two dictators are forever entangled in this one-of-a-kind NFT collection, dedicated to exposing the follies of tyranny.

Trump The Game


Supply: 10000

Offer Ends: 12/02/2033

Price: $100.00

Trump's crusade to Make America Mine Again is aptly captured in Bad Seed Book's TRUMPMAMA NFT. Re-imagine him in 8-bit form as the Hero of Stupid getting his hands on a bomb, the Worst POTUS ever securing money bags or a 70-year old baby playing with Washington D.C. Take your pick, you can't go wrong. Unless you vote for him in 2024. Then you're deadass wrong.

Dictator Trump


Supply: 9997

Offer Ends:

Price: $100.00

Dictators have a soft ego and usually compensate for something... small Bad Seed Book's exclusive TRUMPDIC NFT outfits Trump in a MAGA Hat/wife-beater combo, or a prison getup behind bars, just to show what a dictator really looks like. Let this be a reminder to your children, and your children's children, that the path to dictatorship looks terrible. Let's not go down this path again.

Liberty Trump


Supply: 9998

Offer Ends:

Price: $100.00

Trump's idea of liberty is an existential threat to our actual liberty, which is perfectly encapsulated in Bad Seed Book's original art, TRUMPLBRTY NFT. The old bastard merged with lady liberty with a clenched fist in front of fighter jets, or pointing a gun in a great sea of money, is not what liberty *should* look like. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of not letting Trump in the White House should be amended into the Declaration of Independence.

Godzilla Trump


Supply: 9999

Offer Ends:

Price: $100.00

Tyranny looks a bit different with Bad Seed Book's exclusive illustrated TRUMPGDZLA NFT. You can see him in all of his T-REX tiny hand glory, or Gorilla Trump with Tanning Oil. Maybe you want to imagine him as Cthulhu, whatever floats your boat. Or sinks it. We're not stopping you. Just don't imagine him as the next president. For the love of God and all that is good.

Crying Trump


Supply: 10000

Offer Ends: 12/02/2033

Price: $100.00

Trump's a bully who intimidates, yells, and cries when he doesn't get what he wants. The Bad Seeds Book's exclusive art, TRUMPCRYER NFT captures the full range of Trump's bullying expressions - a crying gasp while holding a phone, an angry grit while brandishing a gun, even crying with a burger in hand. The next Presidential election will definitely bring a lot more for him to cry about.

X-Ray Trump


Supply: 10000

Offer Ends: 11/02/2033

Price: $100.00

Trump is so vain, he probably thinks this book is about him. Bad Seed Book's original TRUMPBODY NFT makes Trump look extra spicy with Boobie Tape, a Fishnet Tanktop or a bra, especially against the backdrop of the Star-Spangled Banner. You can even get an exclusive look at what's in that thick skull of his. Probably a monkey or dumbass tweet about running for the 2024 elections.

Stormy Trump


Supply: 9997

Offer Ends:

Price: $100.00

When it rains, it storms. One of the most meme-able moments in our lifetime, Bad Seeds Book exclusive, original illustrated art, TRUMPSTORM NFT, presents Stormy's revenge as the slap heard around the world, augmented with speech-bubbles containing the fondest Trumpisms like: "MEXICO WILL PAY!" Slap him in the face with whatever quote you'd like. Hit em' where it hurts the most; his tiny ego. (and hands).

Shouting Trump

Upstream: TRUMPBS

Supply: 10000

Offer Ends: 11/02/2033

Price: $100.00

Trump is a pathological liar and most of what he says sounds like its from an article from the Onion. We are not living in a simulation, he's just that dumb. Bad Seed Book's original illustrated art, TRUMPBS NFT highlights the best Trumpisms like "Grab 'em by the P**" or "Dating his Daughter" while facemasks or cash are flying around. Hypocrisy is his M.O. and 2024 will be the same old BS.

Clown Trump


Supply: 10000

Offer Ends: 11/02/2033

Price: $100.00

Trump's a clown by nature, nobody should take him as seriously as he does himself. Bad Seed Book's exclusive TRUMP CLOWN NFT perfectly imagines Trump as the fool he is. Whether he's painted up like Pennyworth while money is flying around, or the Joker with the Star-Spangled Banner in the background, he's still a fool. In 2024, don't be a fool, don't let him rule.

Baby Trump


Supply: 9998

Offer Ends:

Price: $100.00

The "Terrible-Two Trump" combos are endless. Bad Seed Book's original illustrated art, TRUMP BABY NFT captures his tantrum reflex perfectly - whether he's holding a baby bottle in the White House, brandishing an American Flag in a Woman's Arms, or squirting Tanning Oil in Prison. Whatever you think babies do, Donald J. Trump does it worse. Do you want a baby as your POTUS?